Before diving into writing your website content, think first about what you want your visitors to do when they visit your site. What is the action you want them to take. Is it to read your blog? Subscribe to a Newsletter? Purchase an Item? Most common, CONTACT YOU. Make a list of your call to actions. Use some of your favorite websites as inspiration. Try and be more creative than just “CONTACT ME.” Entice them with a few words and then decide on your button text.


The home page is all about a brief overview of what you do, who you do it for and how you can help people. The homepage generally consists of sections of copy taken from elsewhere around the website, so once you have written your other pages, you can come back to your home page copy and decide what sections of copy you want to include.

Visitors want to know what you do ASAP, if they can’t figure it out, they will leave. So don’t be vague.The text and image visitors first see should do 3 things:

  1. Tell visitors who you are.

  2. Tell visitors what you do, or what problem you solve.

  3. Tell visitors what you want them to do with a call to action.

Then, break up your home page in to sections based on each page of your site. Each section should entice and help navigate to those other areas of your site. For example, it could include a brief introduction about you with ‘learn more’ link to the full ‘about’ page. It could include a selection of your best portfolio pieces or testimonials or featured products from your store.

Think about how you want your visitor to EXPERIENCE YOUR SITE. Think about the flow of your website, where do you want your visitors to go? For example, if you want them to visit your shop, you would put your featured items and a “SHOP NOW” button near the top of your home page.


Your About Page is all about explaining what you do and who you do it for so that your ideal clientele is immediately attracted to your company. Remember, want to avoid too much of your personal story or providing too much text and information that it’s overwhelming to a viewer.

- What you do and who you do it for.

Use the same language as you used on your home page - keep it consistent! 

- How your business got started
Try to use this as another way to tell your clients how you can help them.
E.g “My business started when I consistently saw people struggling with .......... so I decided that I would dedicate my life to helping ......... overcome ......... and reach their goals”

- A bit about yourself.
This is optional, but it can add a nice personal touch and allow visitors to relate to you - keep it short. You could include professional qualifications and experience here.


The Services Page is all about showcasing the details of the services you provide in a clear and enticing way. Remember to tap into your target audiences pain points and make it very clear how you can help them with what you’re offering.



DELIVERABLES: People want to know exactly what they will be getting before they invest, so write a list!

PROCESS: People also love to know a bit more about how it all works, before they put their money in. Don’t hold back here - get detailed and tell them exactly how it works.


The Contact Page is all about providing very clear instructions on how a potential customer can easily contact you.

We’ll be creating a contact form. There are very few limitations on what information you want to request from your visitors. Check out some examples of contact forms on some of your favorite websites. Let me know what information you would like to collect. 

CONTACT DETAILS: Along with a contact form, you might want to also include some extra contact details if applicable like: Business address, business email, business phone number, hours of availability, how many days it will take to reply to an email (eg 1-2 business days).

I also feel this is a great place to reinforce social media following and testimonials.


If you don’t have any FAQs yet, use this as a section to answer questions that you think will come up, or questions that haven’t been answered anywhere else on the website. This helps keep content more clear throughout the rest of your site, but by all means isn’t always a must have.


The Sales Page is all about selling your products! Like the services page, remember to tap into your target audiences pain points and make it very clear how you can help them with what you’re offering.




YOU WANT TO (What do your clients want, need, crave etc. What are they trying to accomplish?)

BUT YOU STRUGGLE WITH (These are your clients pain points in relation to what they want, why can they not currently achieve what they want?)